Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Nusa Dua Beach in Bali

TNusa Dua is a peninsula in the south of Bali. It is located 40 kilometres from Denpasar, the capital of Bali.
There are many tourist areas in this area that consists of lime-coral stone, such as Jimbaran Beach and Garuda Wisnu Kencana. Nusa Dua beach is a popular place for kitesurfing.

Crystal clear water and stretches of white sandy beach of Nusa Dua makes Nusa Dua a perfect spot for luxurious resorts to which your exhausted bodies, after a Barong performance at Batubulan and a long climb of the steps of the Mother Temple Besakih, will want to rest. Some of the most sumptuous and luxurious hotels in the world find their home in Nusa Dua Bali. You can relax in the Thalasso spa of the Grand Mirage Resort after a day of surfing or diving. Or you can tee off into the sunset, while watching the gentle waves come from the blue sea and caress the banks surrounding the luscious greens. Tranquil swimming pools under the coconut trees seem to be one with the distant blue sea. Art galleries and numerous shops surround them.


Temple in bali

Taman Ayun Temple – One of Historical Place in Indonesia 

 Taman Ayun means beautiful garden, located in the village of Mengwi, 18km west of Denpensar, is indeed one of Bali's most picturesque temples. The King of Mengwi, I Gusti Agnung Anom, built its stately proportioned courtyards and large surrounding moat in the year 1634. Containing both the Royal family ancestral shrines and the storied MERU Shrines to the major deities, Taman Ayun became the main temple for the ancient kingdom of Mengwi.

Pura Taman Ayun consists of a forecourt, a central court and a spacious inner court. The temple is surrounded by a moat with lotuses, giving it the feel of a garden sanctuary. Beyond the moat, the temple lies on a slightly raised ground. A tall stone gateway separates the forecourt from the central court, while the inner court is surrounded by a stone wall. Frangipanni are grown in profusion all around the wall. Within the inner court are merus, dedicated to various deities and spirits. In total, there are 50 shrines and pavillions in the temple complex.

Kuta Bali

Map of Kuta

Kuta Beach is a tourist spot located in the south of Denpasar, the capital of Bali, Indonesia. Kuta is located in Badung. This area is a tourist destination abroad, and has become a mainstay tourist island of Bali since the early 70's. Kuta Beach is often referred to as sunset beach as opposed to the Sanur beach.

Kuta became known when the merchants from Denmark to open trade representative office here. Trading relationship that exists between the trade representative with the original native population and then develop very rapidly.
New start in 1930 a married couple from California Americans are very impressed with the beauty of Kuta beach, who was totally unspoiled human intervention, the alias is still natural. Kuta Beach Hotel is the first hotel that stands in the region, but unfortunately have to be closed because the Japanese army invaded the island of Bali at the time. In 1960 when many Australian tourists who had a stopover in Bali for a trip to Europe, Kuta started getting known again. In the process, the more interesting areas of Kuta tourist visits not only from Australia, but also from various parts of the world.

Quickly stand various hotels along the Kuta beach area. Usually the hotels area of this international standard, or at least an international hotel group. Starting from the early end of Kuta beach there is Inna Kuta Beach Hotel, Hard Rock Hotel, Mercure Hotel, etc.. Also stands a very comfortable inn boutique style resort that is Nature Kulkul Boutique and Resort.
The most crowded time at Kuta beach is in the evening or during sunset (sunset). All whether foreign or local tourist gathered into one here. Moreover, there are special moments in the country such as school holidays, Idul Fitri holidays or New Year holiday, we can be sure the crowd was getting into.

Kuta beach, visitors can make surfing or surfing, playing soccer, flying kites, just lying on the warm beach sand, or wash the eyes of Western tourists watched the sun. If interested in the services ponytail hair or temporary tattoo, it can also be obtained at this beach.

kuta bali surfing
Indonesia is a country rich in beautiful beaches. Indonesia therefore become one of the world tourist destination. Many tourists are tempted to feel the beauty of the sunset and sunrise from the beach Indonesia. For surfers, beach Indonesia is a paradise for big waves and can race them in the surf andrenalin.

So many beaches that can be surfing destination, and even still many unexplored beaches that are still impressed pure.  I’ll show you some spot best  surfing. Because Indonesia is a vast country and many areas that have the potential to surf.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Visit Indonesia Year 2008, berhasilkah???



Tahun 2008 ini ditetapkan Pemerintah sebagai tahun kunjungan pariwisata. Kebijakan tersebut bertujuan menggairahkan kembali wisatawan mancanegara untuk mengunjungi Indonesia, yang pada akhir-akhir ini terasa sedikit menurun akibat beberapa peristiwa kurang menguntungkan yang terjadi di dalam negeri seperti musibah bencana alam (tsunami, gempa bumi, banjir, dan lain-lain) serta aktivitas terorisme dan kriminal di berbagai daerah yang kerap membuat orang takut. Pada 5 tahun terakhir, jumlah wisatawan asing yang datang ke Indonesia, masih berkisar di angka lima juta. Angka ini jauh di bawah Malaysia, Thailand, Singapura dan Hong Kong yang rata-rata di atas 10 juta pertahunnya.
Ironisnya, kejadian-kejadian buruk di dalam negeri telah dimanfaatkan sebagai kekuatan negara tetangga dalam menarik para wisatawan asing untuk berkunjung ke negara mereka, yang diperkuat dengan promosi besar-besaran oleh pemerintah mereka. Sebut saja Malaysia dengan Menara Petronasnya, Cina memperkenalkan Window of The World, Hongkong dengan mempercatik Disneyland, serta Saigon mengangkat citranya sebagai the most romantic city. Itulah cara mereka mempromosikan tempat-tempat wisata secara agresif. Bagaimana dengan Indonesia?

Pemerintah mencanangkan tahun 2008 ini sebagai tahun kunjungan Indonesia atau Visit Indonesia Year. Tentu saja hal ini dimaksudkan untuk menaikkan citra atau pamor Indonesia dalam bidang wisata, setelah bertahun-tahun hanya mengandalkan sebagian kecil dari potensi alam yang sangat beragam dan indah di seluruh Indonesia.

Sebenarnya, Indonesia memiliki kekuatan dan potensi yang jauh lebih besar dibandingkan negara-negara tetangga tersebut. Kekayaan dan keanekaragaman flora dan fauna dapat menjadi salah satu alternatif untuk menembus peringkat kepariwisataan kelas dunia. Potensi pariwisata adalah aset dalam membangun kembali citra Indonesia dari keterpurukan. Selain itu, bidang ini amat penting untuk meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat. Karena wisata terkait langsung dengan perdagangan dan investasi. Banyak fakta menunjukkan bahwa sebuah negara dapat tumbuh dan berkembang menjadi negara maju hanya dengna mengandalkan sektor pariwisata. Kota-kota besar banyak yang hanya menggantungkan diri pada turis. Tantangan itulah seharusnya menjadi motivasi bagi semua kita untuk menciptakan objek-objek wisata di dalam negeri. Lebih daripada itu, Indonesia dituntut untuk mengkreasi dunia kepariwasataannya secara kreatif dan inovatif, sehingga mampu memberikan daya tarik tersendiri bagi wisatawan. Kita harus berpacu menciptakan keunikan-keunikan pariwisata di negeri ini, baik pada skala lokal maupun nasional, jika pariwisata Indonesia ingin dilirik oleh pelancong dari negara lain.
Mengapa di tengah-tengah potensi pariwisata Indonesia yang sangat besar, kita hanya mampu menghasilkan sedikit devisa (Hanya Bali dan Lombok yang cukup besar menghasilkan devisa bagi negara dari industri pariwisatanya).

Kekurangan Promosi
Promosi sampai sekarang masih merupakan cara yang terbaik dalam mengundang wisatawan manca negara datang ke Indonesia. Nah, sampai sekarang justru promosi ini lah yang kurang dilakukan oleh pemerintah kita, dan menurut saya departemen kebudayaan dan pariwisata Indonesia adalah pihak yang paling bertanggung jawab atas mandeknya promosi pariwisata Indonesia ke mancanegara.
Sementara kita tentu mengetahui bahwa pihak luar negeri (Singapura, Malaysia, Thailand, Australia dan banyak negara lainnya) saat ini sangat gencar mengadakan promosi melalui travel agent dan media elektronik di Indonesia. Hal ini tentu menunjukkan betapa potensialnya industri pariwisata bagi mereka, dan Indonesia adalah salah satu pangsa pasar yang bagus di mata mereka. Mengapa justru pariwisata di negara kita tidak berkembang?

Keseriusan pihak pemerintah adalah hal yang paling utama dan menjadi modal dasar yang harus ada dalam memperbaiki keterpurukan industri pariwisata di negara kita ini. Sinergi dan kerjasama yang baik harus diciptakan dari semua pihak yang terlibat dalam industri pariwisata kita, dan tentu saja perbaikan undang-undang pariwisata juga diperlukan dalam menata kembali kemudahan wisatawan manca negara untuk menikmati panorama Indonesia.

menurut gw yg harus segera dilakukan pemerintah untuk menyelamatkan industri pariwisata Indonesia,adalah :
1. Promosi Pariwisata Indonesia
Dapat dilakukan dengan mengajak kerjasama travel agent di luar negeri, untuk menyediakan paket perjalanan wisata ke Indonesia. Paket wisata ini bisa dibuat secara kolektif (terdiri dari beberapa orang yang dikumpul menjadi satu) untuk melakukan perjalanan wisata ke Indonesia. Dapat juga dilakukan dengan media iklan seperti televisi dan surat kabar di luar negeri, hal ini sudah dilakukan oleh Malaysia dan Singapura melalui saluran televisi dan surat kabar di Indonesia
2. Perbaikan Sarana Infrastruktur Pariwisata Indonesia
Kita tidak bisa menutup mata kalau infrastruktur pariwisata yang ada di Indonesia ini sangat jelek. Lihat saja ruas jalan yang menuju pusat wisata, seperti ruas jalan menuju Danau Toba di Sumatera Utara, sangat tidak memadai. Demikian juga dari sisi akomodasi seperti hotel dan kendaraan wisata, belum begitu mendapatkan perhatian pemerintah. Banyak hotel yang mengaku berbintang 4 tapi tidak mempunyai fasilitas hotel berbintang 4.
3. Faktor Keamanan
Indonesia akhir-akhir ini banyak disorot oleh masyarakat internasional atas kasus-kasus yang menimpa, seperti bom bali, kerusuhan, demonstrasi, terorisme dan sebagainya. Tentu hal ini akan sangat tidak mendukung industri pariwisata kita, karena tentu saja tidak ada orang yang mau mengunjungi negara yang terlibat konflik untuk berdarmawisata.
4. Kemudahan Pengurusan Dokumen Imigrasi
Patut juga diperhatikan bahwa selama ini telah terjadi praktek-praktek korupsi yang sangat besar di pengurusan dokumen imigrasi. Birokrasi yang rumit adalah salah satu faktor pendukung hal ini bisa terjadi, diharapkan pemerintah akan segera me-restrukturisasi pengurusan dokumen imigrasi ini
masih banyak hal lain yang harus kita benahi. Tapi kita harus mulai dari langkah yang paling kecil yaitu mulai lah tersenyum terhadap wisatawan asing, berikan pelayanan yang baik dan tunjukkan bahwa bangsa kita adalah bangsa yang ramah.
Mudah-mudahan industri pariwisata kita dapat segera jaya dan Visit Indonesia Year 2008 memberikan suatu perkembangan positif untuk kemajuan industri pariwisata negara kita…
Jayalah Pariwisata Indonesia, tunjukan pada dunia bahwa kita bisa…

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Garuda Wisnu Kencana

In Bali, there's a tourism area, called Garuda Wisnu Kencana Cultural Park. The idea of this park is to present the biggest sculptor in Bali which is also planned to be the icon of Bali. It's a sculptor of the God of Wisnu riding Garuda (a kind of eagle, which is wellknown as the symbol of Indonesia). The sculptor is still in construction process, and the above picture is the picture of Garuda's head. Later when all the parts of the sculptor completed they will be combined and become a huge sculptor.

Holidays To The Exotic Island Of Lanzarote

Lanzarote Island

Lanzarote is a volcanic island. Most of the sights in Lanzarote caused by volcanic eruptions that happened more than 3000 years ago at La Corona formed. One of the main feature is the color on the walls of their caves. This is because the typical green tones such as the so-called Cueva de los Verdes, which means Green Cave in English. On a tour of the cave you will be amazed at how calm the water in some parts of the cave fool you because it came as such a mirror. Just cut off the water and you can see this fraud.

Lanzarote is the most expensive among the Canary Islands. It is situated on the north coast of Africa. Its dry climate and the fear of the reason why this is an ideal destination all year round. Lanzarote temperatures ranging from 21 ° C in winter to 29 ° C in summer.

Lanzarote is also where family friendly and offers a variety of activities to enjoy. Its diverse scenery and locations Atlantic shallow beach offers a choice of safe and dramatic swelling. This is definitely going to enjoy snorkeling, surfing, scuba diving and parasailing in their waters. Lanzarote is also a place for couples who like shopping and nightlife. Puerto del Carmen has the busiest nightlife pubs, restaurants and nightclubs. You can buy perfume and cigarettes at lower prices as a special task Lanzarote enjoys tax-exempt status.

Stunning white sand beaches such as Playa Blanca and Papagayo attract couples and families. Accommodation places such as villas and apartments with well equipped with dishwasher, microwave, comfortable bed and television. windsurfing facilities including schools, tennis courts, health and fitness center, playground, pool and table tennis have to do to make your vacation much more interesting and fun. One of the best goals Sands Beach Resorts. This apartment offers well-appointed accommodation with modern facilities are available, including the kitchen, to ensure your maximum comfort.

If you're planning a vacation to the island of Lanzarote, there need not be too worried about the cold wind at night. Night time in the winter can drop as low as 14 degrees centigrade, but it rarely dips low, and almost never below it, making the climate warmer, especially during the summer when it can rise as high as 32 degrees Celsius temperature (although rarely higher than that ). North Atlantic cooling trade winds create a climate of warm, keep it from rising as high as the nearby Sahara, and maintain a pleasant climate and beautiful.

Except for the Grand Hotel in Arrecife, local regulations concerning the construction means that there are no tall buildings on the island, and no notice, either. Lanzarote is a beautiful, beautiful and pure, though it is certainly the population. Who visited the island to look at places like Jameos del Agua, a cave complex with the natural concert hall, restaurants and museums, and an underground lagoon. A man and attractions, historic and modern. You can visit the Wine Museum of Lanzarote, or visit the Castillo de San Gabriel in Arrecife, 16th Century fortress overlooking the Harbor Arricife. No matter what your taste, you are sure to find something fun in Lanzarote.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Holidays in Assam Tourism

The northeastern state of Assam is the meeting point of a number of cultures, each of which has its own distinct customs and rituals. Amongst them, celebration of certain festivals specific to the region takes a prime place. Thus, apart from the national and public holidays that are celebrated all over India, a number of private holidays are also observed in the state, during the different festivals that are celebrated here. Let us explore a complete list of the holidays and festivals observed in Assam.

National Holidays

* Republic Day (26th January)
* Independence Day (15th August )
* Gandhi (2nd October)

Major Public Holidays

* Diwali or Kalipuja
* Eid -ul- Fitr
* Eid -ul- Juha ( Bakrid )
* Muharram
* Buddha Purnima
* Mahavir Jayanti
* Gurunanak Jayanti
* Good Friday
* Christmas
* Shivratri

Local Holidays

Apart from these, there are certain local holidays that are observed during the various fairs and festivals specific to Assam. The following festivals have been declared as public holidays by the Government of Assam:

* Me-Dum-Me-Phi
* Magh bihu or Tusu puja
* Doljatra
* Bohag or Rongali bihu
* May day
* Janmotsav of Shri Shri Mahadev
* Tithi of Shri Shri Mahadev
* Kati bihu
* Lakshmi Puja
* Lachit divas
* So-Ka-Pha ( Ahom ) divas

Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Land of Romance

You may have heard about the "Eat, Pray and Love' movie starred by Julia Robert. The love part was actually happened in Bali. I have not watch this movie as it's not started yet in Indonesia, but certainly I will.
I would agree that Bali would bring to love, romance. As for me there's one place in Bali which mostly could move my feeling of love, it's Tanah Lot. When you sat down at a high land in the left part of Tanah Lot area, looking at the beautiful ocean with a romantic temple on it, how can't you fall in love? It's so beautiful.

One day, I sat there all alone, when I saw those couple enjoying the beauty of the land.

I loved seeing them so happy taking picture of each other. I missed my love one so much at that time. Wish we could enjoy the beauty of Tanah Lot together.

However, there's always another day. I would be looking forward to enjoy this beautiful land again with my love one, some day..

Last but not least, hope you could feel the love that arouse in me when I look at this beautiful afternoon at Tanah Lot.