Monday, December 6, 2010

Plaosan Temple

Plaosan Temple

The temple at Plaosan, in Klaten area of Central Java, not far from Sewu Temple, was unique, so far as our knowledge goes today. In the first place, Plaosan was built by a Syailendra princess, and so a Buddhist, and her husband, Rakai Pikatan, a Hindu ruler of Mataram. Thus Plaosan is one of the several examples that have been found of religious tolerance. The structure of the compounds was also unique. There were two of them, lying north and south of each other, the northern one with two main temples, each is its own walled court with a portal between them, the southern compound with only one large temple. Each group was surrounded by rows of small shrines and stupas, linking them together. There was still another court in the northern compound. This Buddhist sanctuary has suffered considerable damage since it was first built in the 9th century. Some entrance gate ways have been found and they marked by stone guardians. Other temple that visitor can visit near the Prambanan group temple are: temple of Sawijen, Kalasan.