Founded in Facebook on April 22, 2010
with the mission to unite and promote Christians in Taiwan.
The Project: I Love Jesus T-shirt is also a Fund-Raising Project
for the early reconstruction of St. Francis Church in Xi Zhi City, Taipei.
Although the Church existed for 50 years, last Sunday
we celebrated our 3rd Year Anniversary (English Mass)
We had a get together celebration and birthday celebration after the mass.
Here are some captured moments:
Father's Day for Father Joseph
and the birthday celebrants
on June 20, 2010
Eating time...
I'm in second from the right
Our group shot
Praying that our community will grow
For today's reflection, I'm sharing you this from my friend Gem:
Thank you Lord for our (FedLan) 11th Year Wedding Anniversary
and praying YOU'll continue to shower us with your Love.
(June 26, 2010)