Unlike usual him the holy scripture of Al-Quran that was measuring small, light and could be brought everywhere. Al-Qur'an available in the Islamic Boarding School of Al Ashiryyah Nurul Iman, that was located in Parung RT 01 RW 01, the Waru Jaya Village, Kecamatan Parung, Kabupaten Bogor this was far different, because of having the measurement of the giant seriously 1,2 ton wide 120 cm and long 150 cm.
According to the Management of the Islamic Boarding School Al-Ashriyyah Nurul Iman Assyekh Habib Saggaf bin Mahdi bin Assyekh Abu Bakar Bin Healthy, Al-Qur'an measured the giant that currently was dipondok this, was made for five years, be begun from 1985 to 1990 and was done by nine Muslim scholars from the Javanese land.Process the execution of Al-Qur'an this needed time approximately 5 years and was done especially by 9 Muslim scholars in the Javanese land. Whereas the cost that was needed to make Al-Qur'an reach Rp 500 juta,” said Abah Pimpinan of the Islamic Boarding School of Al-Ashriyyah Nurul Iman Moreover, according to Abah, when the execution of this Al-Qur'an was ninth the Muslim scholar, including Abah, carried out fast religious duties while five years were full.It is hoped Al Qur'an this could be useful and remain up until 500 years in the future. Because of the paint that Abah utilised to write Al-Qur'an this indeed was made from the special paint that was drafted will keep to the period that lama,” Abah words Al-Quran, said Abah, the fall heavy, everything at the time of the Prophet Muhammad SAW spread his teaching was also very difficult and was full of the challenge. “Atas the foundation so we thought and the kick at to make Alquran this was like this serupa,” he explained. Al-Qur'an the giant who is claimed as the most big and heaviest book in the world, currently still concrete sheets and was kept neat in the library's space Pound the plague of Al-Ashriyyah Nurul Iman Parung Bogor, Al-Qur'an consisted of 30 sections, 6,666 articles, and 114 letters.
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TIDAK seperti lazimnya kitab suci Al-Quran yang berukuran kecil, ringan dan bisa dibawa ke mana-mana. Al-Qur'an yang ada di Pondok Pesantren Al Ashiryyah Nurul Iman, yang terletak di Parung RT 01 RW 01, Desa Waru Jaya, Kecamatan Parung, Kabupaten Bogor ini jauh berbeda, karena memiliki ukuran raksasa dengan berat 1,2 ton lebar 120 cm dan panjang 150 cm.
Menurut Pimpinan Pondok Pesantren Al-Ashriyyah Nurul Iman Assyekh Habib Saggaf bin Mahdi bin Assyekh Abubakar bin Salim, Al-Qur'an berukuran raksasa yang kini berada dipondok ini, dibuat selama lima tahun, dimulai sejak tahun 1985 sampai 1990 dan dikerjakan oleh sembilan orang ulama dari tanah Jawa.
”Proses pengerjaan Al-Qur'an ini memerlukan waktu sekira 5 tahun dan dikerjakan khusus oleh 9 orang ulama di tanah Jawa. Sedangkan biaya yang diperlukan untuk membuat Al-Qur'an mencapai Rp 500 juta,” ujar ABAH Pimpinan Pondok Pesantren Al-Ashriyyah Nurul Iman
Bahkan, menurut ABAH, pada saat pengerjaan Al-Qur'an tersebut kesembilan orang ulama, termasuk ABAH, melaksanakan ibadah puasa selama lima tahun penuh.
“Mudah- mudahan Al Qur'an ini akan bermanfaat dan mampu bertahan sampai 500 tahun ke depan. Sebab cat yang Abah pergunakan untuk menulis Al-Qur'an ini memang terbuat dari cat khusus yang dirancang akan tahan sampai jangka waktu yang lama,” kata Abah
Al-Quran itu, kata abah, turunnya saja berat, apalagi pada saat Nabi MUHAMMAD SAW menyebarkan ajarannya juga sangat berat dan penuh tantangan. “Atas dasar itulah kami berpikir dan sepak at untuk membuat Alquran ini demikian serupa,” paparnya.
Al-Qur'an raksasa yang diklaim sebagai kitab terbesar dan terberat di dunia, kini masih berwujud lembaran-lembaran dan tersimpan rapi di ruang perpustakaan Pon pes Al-Ashriyyah Nurul Iman Parung Bogor, Al-Qur'an itu terdiri dari 30 juz, 6.666 ayat, dan 114 surat.