The Kubah Emas (Gold Kubah) mosque was a grand mosque that stood in the Depok City, Propinsi West Java. The typical characteristics of this mosque were located to his turret roof that was made from gold 24 rust. This mosque building had the area around 8 hectare and occupied the area of the land measuring 60 hectare. It seems, because of his glory, this mosque was often acknowledged as the grandest mosque in South-East Asia, exceeded the Istiqlal mosque in Jakarta.
This mosque was declared on December 31 2006 by the name of the mosque of Dian Al Mahri. The date of this appointment coincided with the Iduladha Public Holiday 1427 of H. Material materials this mosque was at once imported from European countries and Brazil, like gold, light, and granite from Italia, as well as several material other from Spain, Norway, and Brazil. His development was then undertaken by the professional power from overseas and ate the cost billions rupiah.
The Kubah Emas (Gold Kubah) mosque was built by a businessman from Banten named Hj. The lamp of Djuriah Al Rasyid. This rich businessman bought the land in the Depok area since 1996 and began to be constructive him since 2001. Pembanguan the mosque was finished at the end of 2006 and was opened for the exact public on December 31 2006.
One of the uniqueness that could be witnessed by this mosque visitor being the middle turret the mosque. The mosque of Dian Al Mahri had the numbering turret of five, namely one main turret and four small turrets. The form of the main turret resembled the Taj Mahal building turret in India. This turret had the low diameter 16 metre, the middle diameter 20 metre, and high 25 metre. While other small turrets had the low diameter 6 metre, the middle diameter 7 metre, and high 8 metre. All this turret was covered gold with a thickness of 2 through to 3 millimetre and was illustrated by the crystal mosaic. Moreover, in corners of the mosque also stood six towers that had the shape of the hexagon (heksagonal) high around 40 metre. The six towers was wrapped by grey granite stones that were imported from Italia with the ornament coiled. To the peak of these towers also was gotten the turret that was covered by gold. Six towers symbolised the harmonious number faith, whereas five turrets symbolised harmonious Islam.
In this mosque also was gotten light was suspended that was brought directly in from Italia seriously around 8 ton. Moreover, the visitor could also witness the relief special characteristics that decorated Mihrab space that was made from gold 18 rust. This relief special characteristics could be also seen in the fence of restraint on the floor of two, the calligraphy decoration in the mosque ceiling, and the pillar crown of the numbering mosque 168 stratified the material prado or gold. Especially for the mosque ceiling was gotten the calligraphy decoration was stylish Kuffi that was made from the stratified brass plaque gold.
If being seen generally, this mosque architecture was similar to mosque buildings in the Middle East, that is with the typical characteristics of the turret, the tower, the page in, as well as the decorative ornamental feature with the geometric element and his obelisk.
As a grand building and memesona, this mosque had the building and the so wide page. The area of the mosque building around 8.000 square metre and could accommodate approximately 15,000 as far as 20,000 congregations. The room of the mosque was divided on main space, mezzanine space, the page in, selasar upper, selasar outside, and other functional spaces. The main room of the mosque was dominated by the colour monokrom with the colour of the foundation of cream. These colours appeared to give calm and comfortable nuances for the visitor that was in this mosque.
To the mosque exterior was gotten the area garden that orbited the mosque. This garden was overgrown shady trees that could show the cool and beautiful atmosphere for the visitor. The concept of this garden arrangement was collaboration between architecture of the mosque building had nuances of the Middle East and the atmosphere of the tropical Indonesian environment.