The mosque of Agung Demak was a mosque that was eldest in Indonesia. This mosque was located in the Kauman village, Demak, Central Java. This mosque was trusted had been the place of the gathering of the Muslim scholars (the guardian) the disseminator of the Islam religion, was acknowledged also as Walisongo, to discuss the spreading of the Islam religion in the Javanese Land especially and Indonesia generally. The founder of this mosque it was estimated was Raden Patah, that is the first king from the Demak Sultanate.
This mosque had parent buildings and the veranda. The parent building had four main poles that were acknowledged as the teacher's heritage. The veranda building was the building was open. His roof had the shape of the pyramid that was supported eight poles that were acknowledged as the Majapahit Heritage. In the location of the mosque of Agung Demak of the complex, was gotten several of the kings's graves of the Demak Sultanate and his servants. There also was gotten a museum, that contained various matters concerning the story of the mosque establishment of Agung Demak.
Language Indonesia...
Masjid Agung Demak adalah sebuah mesjid yang tertua di Indonesia. Masjid ini terletak di desa Kauman, Demak, Jawa Tengah. Masjid ini dipercayai pernah merupakan tempat berkumpulnya para ulama (wali) penyebar agama Islam, disebut juga Walisongo, untuk membahas penyebaran agama Islam di Tanah Jawa khususnya dan Indonesia pada umumnya. Pendiri masjid ini diperkirakan adalah Raden Patah, yaitu raja pertama dari Kesultanan Demak.
Masjid ini mempunyai bangunan-bangunan induk dan serambi. Bangunan induk memiliki empat tiang utama yang disebut saka guru. Bangunan serambi merupakan bangunan terbuka. Atapnya berbentuk limas yang ditopang delapan tiang yang disebut Saka Majapahit.Di dalam lokasi kompleks Masjid Agung Demak, terdapat beberapa makam raja-raja Kesultanan Demak dan para abdinya. Di sana juga terdapat sebuah museum, yang berisi berbagai hal mengenai riwayat berdirinya Masjid Agung Demak